“Flow Chemistry” in press – 2021, October

Cover of Flow ChemistrySeven years after the first edition of the multi volume “Flow Chemistry” graduate textbook, we are happy to have participated in the new edition. Congratulations to Yuesu Chen (lead author), Martin Cattoen (co-author) and Jean-Christophe (corresponding author) for their contribution, “Mitigation of chemical hazards under continuous flow conditions“.

Thanks as well as to the Flow Chemistry Society for making this happen! We hope the updated edition will help bring continuous-flow technology to the fore.

Welcome to Maxime and Isaline – 2021, October

The CiTOS team is happy to welcome two new PhD students.

Maxime Boddaert starts a project in partnership with the COBRA laboratory in Rouen, France. He will be working on the neutralisation of chemical warfare agents and oxidation reactions.

Isaline Jacquemin joins a collaboration with the CERM laboratory at ULiege. Her project will involve using microfluidics to develop photocatalytic methods to obtain valuable organic scaffold from biobased polyols and CO2.

Welcome, Maxime and Isaline! Continue reading Welcome to Maxime and Isaline – 2021, October

CiTOS-BBQ – 2021, July


Thanks to a rare showing of the Belgian sun, the whole CiTOS team was happy to celebrate a gradual return to social events: the annual barbecue on the Sart Tilman campus was a great opportunity to welcome new members to the group 😉

PhD Defense – Noémie Emmanuel (March 24, 2021)

Noémie has successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Integrated Continuous Flow Photoreactor: Photooxidation of sulfides with Singlet Oxygen” on Wednesday, March 24. She is now working with IBA.