PhD Defense – Noémie Emmanuel (March 24, 2021)

Noémie has successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Integrated Continuous Flow Photoreactor: Photooxidation of sulfides with Singlet Oxygen” on Wednesday, March 24. She is now working with IBA.

FNRS Research Fellow, Pauline Bianchi – 2020, July

Pauline Bianchi was granted a 4 years FNRS Research Fellowship for her proposal aiming at the development of innovative amination procedures (“General fluidic platform for the generation and use of designer’s reactive nitroso species towards pharmaceutical ingredients”).

Her proposal relies on an interdisciplinary approach combining synthetic, physical organic chemistry and chemical engineering.

Her work fits within the context of sustainability and contributes to providing concrete answers for current societal challenges related to the preparation of pharmaceutical active ingredients and other biologically relevant molecules.

Welcome, Yuesu ! – 2020, July



Yuesu Chen joins the group as a Postdoctoral Researcher within the frame of a FNRS-FSR Incentive Grant for Scientific Research (MIS, F.S.R-FNRS).

Welcome, Yuesu!

Welcome, Martin ! – 2020, May



Martin Cattoen joins the group as a Postdoctoral researcher within the frame of a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship.

Welcome, Martin!