CiTOS and NovAliX have signed a collaboration agreement for the development of continuous flow strategies. NovAliX is innovative Contract Research Organization that provides expert driven outsourcing and insourcing research services for drug discovery.
Our network keeps growing – CiTOS and Alysophil have signed a collaboration agreement within the context of developing innovative continuous flow technologies for the production of high valued-added targets. Alysophil is a Deep Tech startup that combines flow chemistry and artificial intelligence for improving chemical manufacturing.

“Our continuous flow process toward ketamine is highlighted in the 2019 Green Chemistry Hot Articles themed collection and Michaël’s artwork is featured as a front cover.”

Guillaume Petit joins the group as a PhD student.
Welcome, Guillaume!

Jean-Christophe is teaming up with Shawn Collins (University of Montreal) and Norbert Kockmann (TU Dortmund University) as Associate Editor of the Journal of Flow Chemistry

Romaric will present his work on the upgrading of biobased platforms at the ACS National meeting in Orlando.

Jean-Christophe will be attending the 2019 Corning Reactor Technology Annual Conference in Changzhou and will give a lecture on the group’s most recent advances in continuous flow organic chemistry.

The team had a great time at the Flow Chemistry Europe Conference in Hinxton (Cambridge). Thomas and Victor were awarded the 2nd and 3rd Poster Prices, respectively.
Congrats !
We are hiring: a 4 year PhD position is available in the area of continuous flow synthesis and biofunctionalization of Quantum Dots.
For more information, please follow this link [No longer available]